
Tanzanian entrepreneur develops innovative water filter

SOURCE: WIPO MAGAZINE Tanzania is one of the poorest countries in the world, and like many countries in Africa, it faces acute water shortages. Although it borders three of Africa’s Great Lakes, many people, especially in remote rural areas, lack access to safe drinking water. All too often, both surface water and groundwater sources are contaminated with toxic heavy metals, bacteria, viruses and other pollutants from mining, industrial effluent and poor sewage systems. But there is hope. A local chemical engineer, Dr. Askwar Hilonga, has developed a low-cost customizable water filtration system that promises to transform the lives of many Africans. Having obtained his Ph.D., Dr. Hilonga (above) is using his knowledge of nanomaterials to develop the Nanofilter®. His aim: to improve  access to safe drinking water and to reduce the number of lives lost to waterborne diseases. (Photos: Dr. Askwar Hilonga) Dr. Hilonga who lectures at the Nelson Mandela African Insti

Tanzania: So Much Water. So What’s the Problem?

Africa boasts two of the world's mightiest rivers—the 6,400-kilometer Nile and the 4,370-kilometer Congo River. It has some of the world’s largest lakes such as Victoria and Tanganyika. Photo courtesy of Yuuji Maruo And yet huge numbers of the continent's 900 million people have only minimal access to water. A mere 36%, for instance, enjoy basic sanitation and some 288 million people do not have access to safe drinking water. The health, social and economic costs are staggering. Partially because of the lack of safe water supplies some 85% of the 1.1 million people who die annually from malaria are in sub-Saharan Africa. Children here are 240 times more likely to catch diarrhea, with many of them subsequently dying, as kids in developed countries. Millions of mainly women and children spend most of their days hauling buckets of water from rivers or communal wells. Millions live in permanent poverty because of the lack of water to feed their animals, grow crops and earn

Nanofilter-Water Purifier!!-

Kama Masuala haya ni hitaji lako basi usisite kuwasiliana nasi! Tutajisikia furaha kukuhudumia!! 1. Je, unahitaji Kuongeza Kipato? Kama jibu lako ni Yes, basi  Nanofilter Tz  hatupo mbali nawe kwani unaweza kutumia mtambo wa Nanofilter kutoa huduma ya maji safi na salama kwa jamii inayokuzunguka. 2. Kupima Maji Unahitaji Kupima Maji yako ili kujihakikishia usalama wa maji yako? Karibu tukuhidumie-Maabara ya Water Test Analysis Ipo Njiro Nane Nane...njoo na maji kidogo kwenye chupa tukupimie kwa gharama nafuuu sana 3.Unahitaji Kuondokana na Tatizo la  # Flouride ? Karibu sana tukuhudumie kwani Mtambo wetu wa  # Nanofilter  unaondoa flouride inayoharibu meno na mifupa. 4.Umechoka Kusumbuliwa na Typhoid na Amoeba? Haya ni Magonjwa ambayo huswababisha na Bacteria ambao kwa asilimia kubwa wapo Kwenye Maji tunayotumia Majumbani kwetu. Je, nini waweza fanya sasa? Karibu ujipatie mtambo wako wa  Nanofilter Tz  uepukane na gharama za mara kwa mara kutibu maradhi hayo ya tum

Kulalamika sio Suluhisho la Ukosefu wa Ajira!! Changamkia fursa Wasikie toka kwako sio wewe usikie toka kwao!!!

Ajira kwa vijana limekuwa tatizo la kitaifa lakin ni kweli kwamba fursa hakuna? sio kweli kwani fursa zipo nyingi ni jinsi mtu anavyoweza kufumbua macho nakuziona na kuchangamka... ........................Wahi wasikie toka kwako sio wewe usikie toka kwao!!! ...............kumekuwa na kathumba ambayo ndiyo inaturudisha nyuma kwani mara nyingi watu hawapendi wengine wasikie toka kwao bali hupenda kusikia kutoka kwa wengine hivyo wanashindwa kuchangamkia fursa haswa ikiwa ni mpya au inatumia teknolojia mpya ....ambapo matokeo yake huwa ni kukopi kutoka kwa wengine tuuuu!!!!! Kwasasa tuna fursa ya Biashara kwa kuwa Wakala kwa kutumia mtambo wa Nanofilter unaochuja maji ili yawe safi na salama!!.........baada ya hapo unafungasha kwenye chupa na kuuza kwa bei nafuu sana kwa watu wote......ili watu waondokane na tatizo sugu la maradhi ya tumbo na Amoeba........lakin pia kemikali hatarishi na zaidi sana kuondokana na tatizo la flouride inayoharibu meno na Mifupa....... ..............wah