What Flouride Does into your Body!!!Stop Flouride by Using Nanofilter!!!


Excessive fluoride has been linked to stained and mottled teeth along with a variety of chronic and acute health issues. Let’s find out more about this possibly harmful soluble salt.

What is Fluoride?

There are two types of fluoride: calcium fluoride and sodium fluoride. When taken in excess, both types can be harmful to health.
Calcium fluoride is found naturally in underground waters sources. In sufficient concentrations, it can actually weaken bones and teeth rather than protecting them. However, it is less toxic and damaging to health than its counterpart.

Sodium fluoride is much more insidious. Created as a synthetic waste byproduct from the fertilizer, aluminum and nuclear industries, this type of fluoride is added to many public water supplies. Already laden with lead, aluminum and cadmium, sodium fluoride has the ability to combine with other toxic materials and increase their potency. Far from healthy, the side effects of taking fluoride may have far-reaching negative effects on health as you will see, yet until recently it was advocated by both the American Dental Association and the US Public Health Service.
What does Fluoride Affect?

Fluoride, particularly sodium fluoride, has been found to weaken the immune system and can damage the kidneys and liver. Symptoms of sodium fluoride toxicity are similar to fibromyalgia, including fatigue, muscle pain, memory loss and insomnia. It can also cause nausea, diarrhea, sickness, abdominal pain and increased thirst.

Worse still, sodium fluoride acts as a “Trojan horse”, carrying aluminum across the blood brain barrier where it can be responsible for lower IQ and Alzheimer’s disease. Once in the brain, fluoride can calcify the pineal gland which is responsible for the natural production of melatonin. Without sufficient melatonin, the body is deprived of sound sleep and the thyroid will not function correctly.
How to Avoid Fluoride

Even in areas where sodium fluoride has not been added to the water, it may still be part of your daily diet. Fluoride is used as a pesticide and fumigant and is sprayed onto food crops. It is a component of home insecticides and is even added to bottled water, toothpaste and baby foods. Crops watered by fluoride-laden water are even more heavily contaminated, yet as consumers we have no control over what we are buying and consuming.

Some steps towards curbing your fluoride intake can be taken. Drinking purified or distilled water is recommended if you live in an area of fluoridated water. Installing a water purification or fluoride filtering system(Nanofilter) to your home is well worth considering. 


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